Invest just like the insiders
If board members or supervisory boards buy shares from their company, investors should also do so. It is worth it. Nobody knows a company as well as the insiders.
For more than 10 years, GBC AG has been analyzing, with significant success, insider transactions of all companies domiciled in German-speaking countries and with stock exchange listings in Germany: GBC emerged as the clear winner of the FocusMoney Musterdepotcontest 2015/2016 with a significant outperformance. Furthermore, the GBC Insider Focus Index (WKN: SLA2JE) launched in September 2016 is clearly outperforming the DAX and other stock exchanges.
Investors have been able to benefit from this investment approach since July 2017. The UBS AG GBC Directors‘ Dealings Value Certificate (WKN UBS1GB) is now listed on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt and Stuttgart.
Please click here for the article: „Aus sicherer Quelle“
Source: Focus Money, issue 20 from 08.05.24